Legal Translation & Transcription Services

CNX Translation provides legal translation and transcription services in Hong Kong.

Translation & Statutory declaration: We can translate and certify documents at Hong Kong government offices. Such documents are stamped by the Home Affairs Department of Hong Kong and signed by the commissioner for Oaths. Those documents are then legally valid for administrative procedures in Hong Kong. If a translation must be used in a court of law, then it must be certified as true by the judiciary authorities. We can also assist you in this task.

Legal transcription: Audio and video recordings transcribed into text following the guidelines for the preparation of audio/video tape transcripts and their translations of the courts of law in Hong Kong. The rules for judiciary transcripts are very precise and strict and all details must be recorded including noise, hesitations, coughing etc... Once the transcription is completed, it also have to be certified true by the judiciary authorities in order to be used in a court case.

Please note that we do not provide legal service as such, for examples we can not tell you which particular document is needed for a court case. However as stated above, we can provide you with certificated / sworn translations, and transcribe audio / video tapes such as it can be certified by by the court of Hong Kong and be used in civil or criminal cases in Hong Kong. So if you need any of those services do not hesitate to contact us. For other legal services, we strongly advise you to consult your lawyer.

Disclaimer: All informations stated in this document as listed for informations only. Laws and procedures change with time, and although the information is believed to be valid at the time of writing it may not be the case in the future.

CNX Translation - Translation Service - Copyright � 2002-2007
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